Saturday, November 22, 2008

Arrival in Naples

I arrived in Naples, FL to join Hungry Mother and his lovely wife for some good adventures.


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Oh dear, another bear with a blog ..... what is the world coming to ....?

SnOwY bEaR said...

WTG 10c.... bears with blogs take over the world ..... go bears go :-)

(word verif of the day ... sakiwoop hee hee)

Ten Cent Tipsy said...

@Daddy: it's bearly bearable.

@Snowy: thanks babe.

SnOwY bEaR said...

ahem.. babe... ?? I am a male bear like your Hungry Mum (not that she is a bear of course!! ;-)

Ten Cent Tipsy said...

Snowy: I guess you're kind of like the, um, males I saw in Key West.